When Kirsten Dunst shouts to a stagehand to get a trash can so Horatio Sanz can puke into it, nothing is actually brought on stage. However, she still delivers the line "You just puked!" Consequently, this monologue is replaced with an error-free dress rehearsal version in reruns.
When Kirsten Dunst shouts to a stagehand to get a trash can so Horatio Sanz can puke into it, nothing is actually brought on stage. However, she still delivers the line "You just puked!" Consequently, this monologue is replaced with an error-free dress rehearsal version in reruns.
When Kirsten Dunst shouts to a stagehand to get a trash can so Horatio Sanz can puke into it, nothing is actually brought on stage. However, she still delivers the line "You just puked!" Consequently, this monologue is replaced with an error-free dress rehearsal version in reruns.
When Kirsten Dunst shouts to a stagehand to get a trash can so Horatio Sanz can puke into it, nothing is actually brought on stage. However, she still delivers the line "You just puked!" Consequently, this monologue is replaced with an error-free dress rehearsal version in reruns.